5 Small Steps for a Fresh, Healthy Start in 2024 January Blog Post

5 Small Steps for a Fresh, Healthy Start to 2024

As we settle in to the new year, so many of us are focused on how we can get a fresh start, and how we can make healthy changes that stick.

While the calendar switching over isn’t a magic button, it is a great time to reflect, recenter, and renew priorities. Everyone talks about New Year’s Resolutions, but how can we establish healthy habits that really LAST this year? Read on to see a few of our ideas.

Here are 5 small steps for a fresh, healthy start:

  1.  Embrace a fresh start.  A clean slate is inviting like a good welcome mat.
  2. Know your numbers. Be aware of important facts like your weight, cholesterol, finances, etc. These numbers don’t define you, but knowledge is power! Knowing your numbers gives you a baseline to measure against, keeps you accountable to your goals, and helps you quickly pivot if something goes off kilter.  
  3. Watch your mouth! We’re talking about both what’s going in and what’s coming out. An awareness of both will help you make better choices. Here are a few things to consider: Is what you’re eating FUEL for your body? How will it make you feel in about 1-2 hours? Is this item moving you closer to my goal? What about your words that are coming out? Do your words beat you down or build you up? It’s up to YOU to build YOU up! Speak life. 
  4. Care for your body & nourish your 5 senses. Celebrate the simple steps of each day – you are worth it! Even small acts can help nourish your mind, body, and soul. At the studio, we kicked this practice off on New Year’s Day! The first 20 people in class received a small gift including a powerful essential oils shower bomb. This was designed to pamper the body and the senses with the simple everyday task of a shower – it really is the little things that add up!
  5. Sleep and stretch. These two important acts complement each other so well! We know we need rest, but stretching also helps the body relax, increase blood flow, and prevent injury or decrease stubborn body aches and pain. If you struggle to fall asleep, consider adding some simple stretches before going to bed. When you wake, start with a few light stretches to increase blood flow to your muscle groups and help prevent injuries.

Meet us on the mat in 2024!

Are you ready for a reset this year? If getting back on track with your health habits and prioritizing your fitness is part of your goals this year, I invite you to meet us on the mat! We have so many ways to help you make healthy changes that STICK this year. New members can take advantage of our New Year Special of 3 Classes for $59 to help you get started, and we believe after 3 classes you’ll be hooked on your new healthy habit!

If you’re already a Total Body Unlimited member, now is a great time to cash in on your RECENTER session! This is a COMPLIMENTARY service for you to have a chance to meet with April, discuss your goals, assess where you are, and help you formulate a realistic plan that we can help you stay accountable to. Check Zen Planner for available times and let’s make it happen!

We can’t wait to see you in the studio and help you reach all your goals this year. You’re worth it, and we’re here for you every step of the way!

New to 90?

Yoga Studio 90 is Baton Rouge’s premier hot Yoga studio. Our signature performance-based group classes incorporate hot Yoga, mat pilates and cardio for a total body sweat session designed to lengthen, strengthen, and tone. It’s the total mind, body and soul workout you’ve been waiting for!

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